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TV Anime (33 Eps) Toei Animation TV Asahi
Spring 1981

Tiger Mask II

The original Tiger Mask, named Naoto Date, was a fearsome "heel" who was known for his ruthless style in the ring. When he heard a young orphan boy exclaim that he wanted to be a villain like Tiger Mask some day, Naoto had a change of heart. Seeing a younger version of himself in this boy, Naoto decided to change his image to that of a hero. Though Naoto passed away 9 years ago, his legend lived on as a hero who defeated villains both in and outside of the ring.

Tatsuo Aku was also an orphan who grew up idolizing Tiger Mask. One day, a new wrestler named Outer Space Mask invades the ring without any apparent connection to a wrestling federation. Tatsuo then decides to revive his childhood hero by becoming the new Tiger Mask.

OP: Tiger Mask II by Ichiro Mizuki
ED: Inochi o Kakate by Ichiro Mizuki / Koorogi '73

Availability: English Fansubs by ARR

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